Biographies & History

The Life and Adventures of James P. Beckwourth: Mountaineer, Scout, and Pioneer, and Chief of the Crow Nation of Indians

James Beckwourth
In 1824 Beckwourth left Missouri to head to the Rocky Mountains. He would never turn back. In his fascinating life, spent in the mountains and plains of the West, he lived as a trapper, hunter, guide, horse thief and Indian fighter.

Colombian Killers: The True Stories of the Three Most Prolific Serial Killers on Earth

Ryan Green
Luis Alfredo Garavito, Pedro Alonzo Lopez, and Daniel Camargo Barbosa are among the most prolific serial killers in the world. Between them, they were convicted of 329 murders, but it’s believed that the number they committed is over 750. Colombian Killers is not for the faint of heart, nor for the feeble of spirit. Be very sure you want to know what you are about to read, because if you can be sure of nothing else, be sure of this: You will never forget what you are about to read.

Hunting Trips of a Ranchman

Theodore Roosevelt
From stalking wild geese to hunting elks to protecting the camp from a grizzly bear, this book documents Roosevelt's life out in the plains and mountains of the Midwest. Never one to shy away from an adventure, Roosevelt’s record of life as a ranchman and hunter has endured today as part of the classic folklore of the West.

With the Help of God and a Few Marines: The Battles of Chateau Thierry and Belleau Woo

Albertus W. Catlin
“The story of the marines in France is told with authority and interest.”— Booklist. Brigidier General Albertus W. Catlin and his fellow marines were among the first American soldiers sent across to France in World War One and within months they were thrown into the thick of the action.

The One Tenor: A Salute to Mario Lanza

Lindsay Perigo
The One Tenor is a labor of love for life-long Mario Lanza devotee, New Zealand radio and television broadcaster Lindsay Perigo. It's the bringing together of his best Lanza-related essays, critiques and interviews over the years, with significant new material exclusive to this book, including Perigo's take on the theory that Mario Lanza suffered from Bipolar Disorder. This theory was first touted in the biography of Lanza by Roland Bessette, with little explication. In The One Tenor Perigo interviews Bessette, who elaborates on his theory for the first time. Perigo responds with a theory of his own in his stellar chapter, "Mario's Magic Madness."