Opere di Alessando Manzoni, vol. 1
by Alessandro Manzoni
by Astrid Väring
by Richard S. Shaver
by Emilio Salgari
by Anton Giulio Barrili
by Anton Giulio Barrili
by Mona Gould
and Other Winter Tales
by Arthur Thomas Quiller-Couch
by Wilkie Collins
by Natalie Sumner Lincoln
by Ferdinando Petruccelli della Gattina
by Rollo Walter Brown
by Alexandre Dumas
Commedie del Cinquecento
by Agostino Ricchi
En berättelse om flickor
by Toini Mathilda Topelius
by August Strindberg
Brian Terenna - Fantasy That Takes Readers to Exciting, Unexpected Places
FEATURED AUTHOR - Brian Terenna is a dystopian, sci-fi, dark fantasy author. He grew up in a land of possibilities. He saw a path to all of them, but could only pick one. Now, he creates worlds, where fantasy is reality and reality is anything you make it. Brian has a strong preference for complex, mysterious, imaginative fiction, with intellectually powerful characters that achieve amazing feats. His favorite authors are Brandon Sanderson, Pierce Brown, Mark Lawrence, and Patrick Rothfuss. And loves dark… Read more