St. Winifred's

St. Winifred's
The World of School


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St. Winifred's by Frederic William Farrar



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St. Winifred's
The World of School


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A series of adventures set in an English boy's school.

Book Excerpt

which lay in her humble power, and that the day after to-morrow was her birthday. Walter was a little puzzled as to the relevancy of the latter piece of information. He learnt it at a subsequent period, when he also discovered that Mrs Higgins found it to her interest to have periodical birthdays, recurring two or three times at least every half-year. The years which must have passed over that good lady's head during Walter's stay at Saint Winifred's--the premature rapidity with which old age must have subsequently overtaken her, and the vigour which she displayed at so advanced a period of life--were something quite extraordinary of their kind.

Towards the great schoolroom Walter accordingly directed his steps. The key turned out to be quite superfluous, for the hasp of the lock had been broken by Walter's predecessor, who had also left the trace of his name, his likeness, and many interesting though inexplicable designs and hieroglyphics, with a red-hot poker, on the lid. The same gentleman, to judge


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