The Desired Woman

The Desired Woman


(1 Review)
The Desired Woman by Will Nathaniel Harben





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The Desired Woman


(1 Review)
We believe that this is by far the best book Will Harben has ever written. Its keynote is the inevitable triumph of love and tolerance, the far-spreading influence of good impulses. Full of strength and interest from the beginning to the end. The story has pity and love, the home touch and the hart touch.

Book Excerpt

g I can do to help you, Mr. Henderson," Saunders said, lamely. "Of course, I mean in regard to this particular matter. If you are in want, however, and any reasonable amount would be of service to you--why, on my own account I am willing--"

"I don't mean that," the old man broke in, tremulously. "You are very kind. I know you would help me, you show it in your face; but I don't want that sort of thing. It is--is my rights I'm after. I--I can't face my children after the way I acted. I simply trusted Mostyn with my all--my life's blood--don't you see? I remember when I was hesitating, and a neighbor had hinted that Mostyn was too high a flyer--going with fast women and the like--to be quite safe--I remember, I say, that the commandment 'Judge not that ye be not judged' came in my head, and I refused to listen to a word against him. But you see how it ended."

"I wish I could help you," Saunders said again, "but I don't see what I can do."

"I don't either." The old man sighed heavily as he g


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