Editorial Review: Mythion: Human Transformation by Jason Davis

Gavin Simms is the victim of a hit-and-run incident that lands him in the psych wing of a nearby hospital. While recovering he is coerced into signing up for an immersive role-playing game service called Deep Climb, which will supposedly allow him to take better control of his life.
On the surface, Mythion is the story of a flawed man named Gavin Simms who gets caught up in something that is out of his control. The story is set in a future where a quantum AI parallel world called Xenxu offers a virtual reality-like escape from the real world. Gavin is injured in a hit-and-run incident, but the circumstances surrounding his life and the accident cause a doctor to recommend that he sign up for a Xenxu therapeutic system called Deep Climb. Faced with a choice between involuntary long-term care and Deep Climb, Gavin reluctantly agrees to participate.
The goal of Deep Climb is apparently to root out the “old traumas, emotional complexes, and unneeded lingering thoughtforms of participants” to give them a better understanding of what drives and motivates their thoughts and actions. However, as Gavin is drawn deeper into the Deep Climb experience, it soon becomes evident that there is a lot more at stake and a lot more layers to his story.
In addition to portraying what happens to Gavin in Xenxu and the real world, Mythion also features glimpses into the past that reveal why Gavin has turned into the pained and vulnerable man that he is. These memories, coupled with the weird nature of Xenxu give the whole story a very dream-like and surreal feel. This is further amplified when past and present begin to get tangled in ways that shouldn’t be possible. To reveal much more would ruin some of the startling twists and turns in the story, but suffice it to say that few readers will be able to predict where Jason Davis will be taking them next on this rollercoaster of an adventure.
Mythion is a book that effortlessly fuses multiple genres together into a story that continues to shock and surprises readers around every turn. While it features elements of sci-fi classics such as The Matrix and Neuromancer, the author has also injected a lot of new and innovative elements. The story will keep readers guessing right until the very end and experiencing all the revelations alongside Gavin makes for a rivetting read.
Overall, Mythion is a book that demands your full attention as each page is layered with deeper meanings and subtle hints about what is going on and how things are connected. While it can still be enjoyed on the surface level as an action-packed and fast-paced science fiction epic, readers who really pay attention will get the most out of the book. It helps that Gavin is a fascinating protagonist who doesn’t exactly fit the mold of what most people would expect from someone in his position. The supporting cast, which includes people from Gavin’s past and present also helps bring the story to life.
Any reader who enjoys science fiction, but feels like the genre has gotten a little too stale and has lost some of the wonders from its early days will really enjoy Mythion. It is not only very immersive and thought-provoking but also manages to keep readers captivated throughout the tangled web it weaves.