
“The purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls.” - Pablo Picasso

From painting to sculpting and architecture, art takes many forms and often the lives of the artists behind famous works are just as interesting to explore as their craft. Learn more about your favorite artists, discover new ones or simply gain inspiration from their legacy with these art books.

Editor's choice

Randall Sharpe - Spirituality, Parapsychology, the Paranormal and Pseudoscience
FEATURED AUTHOR - Randall Sharpe began to write in the Astral Alignment universe at the age of eighteen, drawing inspiration from ufology and New Age spirituality to inform his science fiction, horror and fantasy. He is an avid tabletop and online roleplayer, holds a black belt in Uechi-ryu karate, and has begun to publish regularly after obtaining his degree. Randall can occasionally be found posting on various imageboards, sinking hours into Terraria or Starbound, and taking online certification courses to… Read more