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Being the MS. record of a trip from New York to Texas, and an overland journey through Mexico and…
by Maria Rebecca Audubon, John Woodhouse Audubon
New Edition
by Sir Arthur Newsholme
Erinnerungen aus dem Leben des Dichters nach dessen mündlichen und schriftlichen Mitteilungen
by Ernst Rudolf Anastasius
Im Jahr 1829
by Anton Prokesch Ritter von Osten
by Romain Rolland
by Maud Pember Reeves
613, Vol. XIX, February 2, 1872
by Stephen Marlowe
Sydäntalven tarina
by Runar Schildt
Impressions of the Society and Manners of the Russians at Home
by pseudonym
Kertomus 30 vuotisen sodan ajoilta
by Karl Heinrich Caspari
by Paul Otlet
With Portraits and Other Illustrations
by William A. Locy
A record of exploration & big game shooting, 1885 to 1893
by Harald G. C.