Recent Additions
For the Mind and the Eye
by Anonymous
Essays on The Wager of Law—The Wager of Battle—The Ordeal—Torture
by Henry Charles Lea
The Preacher's Complete Homiletic Commentary on the Book of the Proverbs
by W. , Rev. Harris
by Andy Offut
v. III
by Michel de Montaigne
and Other Stories
by Ralph Delahaye Paine
by Sir Walter Besant
by Abraham Lincoln
by Edgar Rice Burroughs
A Study of the Economic Relation Between Men and Women as a Factor in Social Evolution
by Charlotte Perkins Gilman
Its Causes and Issues
by K. Asakawa
by D. Alcock
in three Volumes
by Jane Haldimand Marcet
or, an answer to the appeal of John Church
by T. Latham
by Mary French Caldwell
by Gaston Tissandier
containing experiments shewing that it may be safely employed during operations on animals
by Henry Hickman