by Jean May Thompson
by L. T. Meade
Observations of the Habits and Haunts of the Fox, Badger, Otter, Seal, Hare and of Their Pursuers…
by John Coulson Tregarthen
by Richard Jefferies
New Zealand Board of Science and Art. Manual No. 2.
by George M. Thomson
A Tale of Two Brothers
by Gordon Stables
by Dallas Lore Sharp
by Enos Abijah Mills
by Charles Garvice
or, The Cedar Swamp Brigade
by William Reynolds Eyster
by Eliza Elder Brightwen
Or, Sporting Adventures with the Rifle and the Rod
by Samuel H. Hammond
or, The Strolling Gentlemen
by John O'Keefe
by Joseph Hergesheimer
by Winthrop Packard
A Tale of the Rockies
by Howard R. Driggs
Records of Sport with Rifle, Rod, and Gun, Natural History Exploration
by Abel Chapman, Walter John Buck
by Friedrich Gerstäcker
Its People, Language and Scenery
by George Borrow
Its People, Language and Scenery
by George Borrow