The Yellowstone Park and Alaska
by Charles J. Gillis
Fragments from the Star City of Montalluyah
by Benjamin Lumley
Yhteiskunnallinen kuvaus Pariisin työväen elämästä toisen keisarikunnan aikana
by Émile Zola
Sire de Corthuy
by E. de la Coste
by Anonymous
The Text Reduced
by Richard Walter
Priestley's Letters to a Philosophical Unbeliever
by Matthew Turner, William Hammon
A Farce
by Elizabeth Frances Guptill
From George Müller's Narratives
by George Müller
Novelas i Cuentos de la Vida Hispano-Americana
by José Victorino Lastarria
A Study of Their Social Habits
by George Murray Levick
by Ayn Rand
e Ramalho Ortigão
by Alvaro do Carvalhal
The Way of a Virgin
by L. Brovan, C. Brovan
A Brief Autobiographical Sketch of the Missionary Labors of a Valiant Soldier for Christ
by Anthon Lornsen Skanchy