Classic and Early Christian
by Thomas Roger Smith, John Slater
Gothic and Renaissance
by Thomas Roger Smith
by Claude Fayette Bragdon
by Vittorio Treves
by James Y. Simpson
by George Aaron Barton
by W. H. G. Kingston
by John Michael Sharkey
The Story of a Dead Self
by Marie Corelli
The Story of a Dead Self
by Marie Corelli
Also, A Faun's Holiday & Poems and Phantasies
by Robert Nichols
An Examination of the View Held by Spencer and Darwin
by William Platt Ball
by E. Walter Maunder
1740) The Great Man's Answer to Are These things So: (1740
by James Miller
by George Reynolds
A Book of Rhymes for Suffrage Times
by Alice Duer Miller
The Sulphitic Theory Expounded and Exemplified According to the Most Recent Researches into the…
by Gelett Burgess
by Stephen Peters, William Giloane, Eugene K. Keefe, Eston T. White, Sarah Jane Elpern, James M. Moore