by Robert Nathan
by Joel A. Erickson
Or, The Toilers of the Field
by René Bazin
by Isabel Giberne Sieveking
Original Pieces in Prose and Verse
De Aarde en haar Volken, 1906
by G. Bosch
Indiens et esquimaux
by Pierre Jean Baptiste Duchaussois
du lac Bennett à Dawson City
by Léon Boillot
two of the seven cardinal sins
by Eugène Süe
Four lectures delivered at the twenty-fourth anniversary meeting of the Theosophical Society at…
by Annie Besant
Studies from the Chronicles of Rome
by F. Marion Crawford
Studies from the Chronicles of Rome
by F. Marion Crawford
Maman la Soupe et son chat Ratu
by Marcel Mültzer
by Rudolph Erich Raspe, Gottfried August Bürger
by François-Timoléon de Choisy
Anna Stuart - Heart-Wrenching WW2 Historical Fiction
FEATURED AUTHOR - Anna Stuart wanted to be an author from the moment she could pick up a pen and was writing boarding-school novels by the age of nine. She made the early mistake of thinking she ought to get a ‘proper job’ and went into Factory Planning—a career that provided her with wonderful experiences, amazing friends, and even a fantastic husband, but didn’t offer much creative scope. When she stopped having children, she took the chance to start the ‘improper job’ of writing.