Published in 1868 as a Part of The Handy Horse-Book by Maurice Hartland Mahon
by William Blackwood and Sons
Published by John Lane at The Bodley Head, 1895
Scientific, Educational, and Classical Works
by James S. Virtue
W. Partridge & Co.'s Popular Illustrated Books
by England) S. W. Partridge & Co. (London
With an Appendix: Earthquakes in the Marianas Islands 1599-1909
by Miguel Saderra Masó
by Poul William Anderson
by Federico De Roberto
Based Upon a Sociological Study of the Halifax Disaster
by Samuel Henry Prince
by Christy Mathewson
à l'usage des filles de joie et des jeunes demoiselles qui se destinent à embrasser cette…
by Théroigne de Méricourt
by Marcos d'a Portela
by Boyd Ellanby
Colin Dodds - Compelling, Tightly-woven Coming-of-Age Story
FEATURED AUTHOR - Colin Dodds is an award-winning author and filmmaker, whose works include Pharoni, Ms. Never and The 6th Finger of Tommy the Goose. He grew up in Massachusetts and lived in California briefly, before finishing his education in New York City. Since then, he’s made his living as a journalist, editor, copywriter and video producer. His work has appeared in Gothamist, The Washington Post and more than three hundred other publications, and been praised by luminaries such as David Berman and Norman… Read more