by Benôit Valuy
by John Galsworthy
Arabiae et Egypti peregrinationem, Volumen Secundum
by Felix Fabri
by Gustave Flaubert
Roman aus der Berliner Gesellschaft
by Theodor Fontane
Lebensbild einer deutschen Frau
by Agnes Sapper
A Review of the Worth of Their Testimony to the Four Gospels
by Joseph Mazzini Wheeler
Der Prinz—Särö—Frauen—Der Zuschauer
by Kasimir Edschmid
by Fr. Lehne
Naturalistisches Trauerspiel
by August Strindberg
A Biographical Fragment
by James Fitzmaurice-Kelly
and Other Strange Events
by Sabine Baring-Gould
or, Half Round the World
by Oliver Optic
or, Three Months' Rustication. And Why I Did not Become a Sailor.
by Robert Michael Ballantyne