by Carl Georg Schillings
by Gustave Geffroy
Showing the Most Successful Treatment for all Plants Cultivated in the Greenhouse, Conservatory,…
by gardener Keane William
20-a de januaro, 2009
by Barack Obama
by L. Onerva
by Barack Obama
by John F. Kennedy
by William J. Clinton
Official Transcript
by Barack Obama
Waarin wordt Aangetoond dat de Scheikunde met recht een plaats verdient onder de Akademische…
by Hieronymus David Gaubius
A Story of Adventure in the Interior of Peru and the Closing Chapters of the War with Chile
by Claude Hazeltine Wetmore
An address, delivered before the New York Historical Society, at its forty-second anniversary, 17th…
by Henry R. Schoolcraft
by Hermine Oudinot Lecomte du Noüy
novela original
by Eduardo Zamacois
The Story of a Fama Clamosa
by Robert Cleland
Written by Herself
by Harriet Jacobs
Thad Diaz - Unputdownable Firefighter Mystery
FEATURED AUTHOR - Thad Diaz is a retired Tampa Bay firefighter who cut his teeth on Sci-fi and Fantasy. He now spends his days writing the Cigar City Case Files, a gritty, hard-boiled detective series set in Tampa. He still lives in the Tampa Bay area with his wife and kids.  As our Author of the Day, he tells us all about his book, "Tampa Heat."