Floriz and Blauncheflur, The Assumption of Our Lady
The Story of a Monarch in Difficulties
by Laurence Housman
The Crier by Night; The Riding to Lithend; Midsummer-Eve; Laodice and Danaë
by Gordon Bottomley
by báró Jósika Miklós
by Upton Sinclair
A Tropic Tale
by George Manville Fenn
A Novel of Provence
by Jean Aicard
Book One of Ka-Zar of the Beasts
by Bob Byrd
A School Story
by Frederick Sadleir Brereton
Or, To Morocco on an Aeroplane
by Herbert Strang
by George Manville Fenn
A story of Christ's last days on Earth
by William Thomas Stead
A Romance of Adventure
by Talbot Mundy
A Story of the Last Saxon Struggle against the Danes in the Days of Ironside and Cnut
by Charles W. Whistler
A Romance of Fighting in the Days of the Anglo-Saxons
by MacKenzie MacBride
Makers of History
by John S. C. Abbott
by William Shakespeare
by Alexander Falconer Murison
Lloyd Lofthouse - Action-Packed Special Ops Military/Political thriller
FEATURED AUTHOR - Lloyd Lofthouse is a US Marine (1965—1968) and combat veteran, living with and managing PTSD. After the Marines, he attended college, where he heard Ray Bradbury speak in 1968. After getting bit by the writing bug, Lloyd earned a BA in journalism and later an MFA. A few years later, he found himself teaching English and writing to middle and high school students (1975 - 2005).