by Eugène Süe
Lupo Liverani; Le Toast; Garnier; Le Contrebandier; La Rêverie à Paris
by George Sand
by Imbert de Saint-Amand
Les marquises de Boufflers et du Châtelet, Voltaire, Devau, Saint-Lambert, etc.
by Gaston Maugras
Relation du voyage d'Espagne par la comtesse d'Aulnoy
by Marie-Catherine d'Aulnoy
by Marco Praga
by Adan Quiroga
ou, l'art d'écrire en chiffres
by Paul Lacroix
Últimas aventuras de Rocambole: I El Loco de Bedlam
by Ponson du Terrail
by Florian Pharaon
by Remy de Gourmont
by Émile Zola
La raza, Tomo I
by Pío Baroja
by condesa de Pardo Bazán Emilia
by fils Alexandre Dumas
by père Alexandre Dumas
Joan Hetzler - Clean, Light Whodunits with Plenty of Twists and Turns
FEATURED AUTHOR - Joan Hetzler has been a freelance writer and editor for over twenty-five years. She has worked as a communications writer, newspaper journalist, and a technical writer for software companies. Her creative writing experience includes plays, poems, short stories, humor, memoir, and classic mystery novels. Her stage plays have won awards as well as her memoir writings. For eight years, she produced and hosted The Writers Show, a radio program devoted to writers and their readers at a local college… Read more