or, The Dash for Dixie
by Louis Arundel
or, Exploring the Mystic Isle of Mackinac
by Louis Arundel
or Solving the Mystery of the Thousand Islands
by Louis Arundel
or, Six Chums Afloat and Ashore
by Louis Arundel
or, Under The Amazon
by Stanley R. Matthews
or, Another Victory For the Motor Boys
by Stanley R. Matthews
or, Flying for Fame and Fortune
by Stanley R. Matthews
or, The Governor's Courier
by Stanley R. Matthews
or, The Rival Inventors
by Stanley R. Matthews
or, The Snare of Don Carlos
by Stanley R. Matthews
or, The Phantom Auto
by Stanley R. Matthews
or, The Strange Case of Helen Brady
by Stanley R. Matthews
Motor Stories Thrilling Adventure Motor Fiction No. 2, March 6, 1909
by Stanley R. Matthews
or, Around the Horn
by Stanley R. Matthews
or, The Last of the Hoodoo
by Stanley R. Matthews
Motor Stories Thrilling Adventure Motor Fiction No. 22, July 24, 1909
by Stanley R. Matthews
or, On the Road with a Show
by Stanley R. Matthews
or, The Balloon-House Plot
by Stanley R. Matthews
or, A Friend in Need
by Stanley R. Matthews
or, Playing a New Rôle
by Stanley R. Matthews