Origin of Species
by Thomas Henry Huxley
by Thomas Wiltshire
A Story of Townshend's Gallant Advance on the Tigris
by Frederick Sadleir Brereton
De Excidio Britanniae
by Gildas
A Novel of the Baltic Islands
by August Strindberg
by R. Cadwallader Smith
by Leo Nikoleyevich Tolstoy
Or, Some English forays on the Isthmus of Darien.
by John Masefield
The Brief Career of a Would-Be Actor
by Jerome K. Jerome
by Henry Blake Fuller
With Observations on the Construction and Organization of Asylums
by John Thomas Arlidge
An Essay
by Hugh Exton Seebohm
by Richard Chevenix Trench
by Richard Chenevix Trench
by Thomas Henry Huxley
by active 1st century Longinus
Colin Dodds - Compelling, Tightly-woven Coming-of-Age Story
FEATURED AUTHOR - Colin Dodds is an award-winning author and filmmaker, whose works include Pharoni, Ms. Never and The 6th Finger of Tommy the Goose. He grew up in Massachusetts and lived in California briefly, before finishing his education in New York City. Since then, he’s made his living as a journalist, editor, copywriter and video producer. His work has appeared in Gothamist, The Washington Post and more than three hundred other publications, and been praised by luminaries such as David Berman and Norman… Read more