by Alan Arkin
by George Ade
The Story of a Brave Dog
by Clarence Hawkes
by Juan Valera
by Juan Valera
or, Seasoning for Young Folk
by Howard Pyle
by Johanna Spyri
by Luis Coloma
by William Butler Yeats
De Aarde en haar Volken, 1907
by Claude Anet
by Kristofer Janson
or the Silence of God
by Robert Keable
by Richard Stockham
by Frederick Marryat
A Tragedy
by Hannah More
by John Addington Symonds
by Thomas Bailey Aldrich
Chad Lester - A Thrilling Fusion of Biology, Artificial Intelligence and Morality
FEATURED AUTHOR - Chad Lester is the author of the novel 'Titan's Tears' and the short story collection 'Continuum.' Chad Lester is the author of the novel 'Titan's Tears' and the short story collection 'Continuum.' Chad Lester is the author of the novel 'Titan's Tears' and the short story collection 'Continuum.' As our Author of the Day, he tells us all about his book, Titan's Tears.