A Biographical Study of the Man and an Explanation of His Work
by William James Henderson
A Tale of France, v. 1/3
by G. P. R. James
A Tale of France, v. 2/3
by G. P. R. James
A Tale of France, v. 3/3
by G. P. R. James
A Narration of Trials and Victories Along the Way
by Enoch Edwin Byrum
National Park Service Historical Handbook Series No. 33
by Joseph P. Cullen
The Story of a Boy and His Dog
by Howard R. Garis
A Story of the Northwest Coast
by Kirk Munroe
by Johanna Spyri
Rico and Stineli, and How Wiseli Was Provided For
by Johanna Spyri
by Tommasina Guidi
by Edmondo De Amicis
by Edmondo De Amicis, Louis Simonin
by Edmondo De Amicis
dal 1847-48 al 1900
by Augusto Elia
dal 1847-48 al 1900
by Augusto Elia
Seconda edizione con aggiunte
by Luigi Torelli
And Other Stories
by Louis Becke
Chemical Strategy in Peace and War, The
by Victor LeFebure
A Mystery Story for Boys
by Roy J. Snell