by Sir Walter Alexander Raleigh
by Sir Walter Raleigh
by W. E. Haslam
by Knud Hjortø
by Leopoldo Alas
Nordlandaj Rakontoj
by Russell H. Conwell
by Edward Bellamy Partridge
by Ron Goulart
by Sir Newbolt Henry John
by Charles Gilson
How the Submarine Menace was Met and Vanquished, With Descriptions of the Inventions and Devices…
by Charles W. Domville-Fife
Mines and Torpedoes in the War
by Charles W. Domville-Fife
Recommended and inforced, in a sermon preached at Northampton, on the death of a very amiable and…
by Philip Doddridge
by Edward Elmer Smith
KU. Vol. 1 No. 11
by Bernardo Villa Ramírez, E. Raymond Hall
Microtus montanus, in Wyoming and Colorado
by Sydney Anderson
Microtus pennsylvanicus, in Wyoming, Colorado, and Adjacent Areas
by Sydney Anderson
Colin Dodds - Compelling, Tightly-woven Coming-of-Age Story
FEATURED AUTHOR - Colin Dodds is an award-winning author and filmmaker, whose works include Pharoni, Ms. Never and The 6th Finger of Tommy the Goose. He grew up in Massachusetts and lived in California briefly, before finishing his education in New York City. Since then, he’s made his living as a journalist, editor, copywriter and video producer. His work has appeared in Gothamist, The Washington Post and more than three hundred other publications, and been praised by luminaries such as David Berman and Norman… Read more