by Theodore Roosevelt
On the Expunging Resolution
by Thomas Hart Benton
A Character Sketch
by Leonard Huxley
by Henry Childs Merwin
the Apostle of Americanism
by Gilbert Chinard
by James Oliver Curwood
by Lieutenant R. H. Jayne
by Jean Cocteau
by Stephen Lucius Gwynn
Een treurspel in verzen
by Henriette Roland Holst
The Best Plays of the Old Dramatists
by Thomas Otway
From 'The Gods and Other Lectures'
by Robert Green Ingersoll
An Address Delivered in Chicago, January 29, 1916; Including the Testimony of Five Hundred Witnesses
by John Eleazer Remsburg
by Alexander Campbell
With an Introduction, Textual Notes, A List of Editions, An Appendis of Translation, and a Portrait.
by Thomas Stanley
Curate V1
by George MacDonald
Curate V2
by George MacDonald
Curate V3
by George MacDonald