by Geoffrey Chaucer
by William Shakespeare
by William Shakespeare
by Gustave Flaubert
Pascal, Ibsen, Dostoïevski
by André Suarès
Journal d'un jeune habitant du Jura
by Jean Jacques Porchat
by Dillon Wallace
A Private Soldier of the Third Republic
by Lionel Decle
Descriptive Narratives of the More Desperate Engagements on the Gallipoli Peninsula
by Oliver Hogue
by E. J. Banfield
I, No. 6. March, 1906
by Suze La Chapelle-Roobol
by Else Wildhagen
by Evaleen Stein
by S. M. Tenneshaw
by Arthur K. Barnes
by Travis Casey
Sandy Steele Adventures #6
by Robert Leckie