One to the Gentlemen of Whitby and the other, to the Protestant Clergy
by Nicholas Rigby
by Alice Askew
A Story of Red and White
by William O. Stoddard
Les Deux Rives
by Fernand Vandérem
Or, Lost in the Mountains
by Frank V. Webster
Or, The Tyler Will
by Matthew White
Or, The Tyler Will
by Jr Matthew White
A Tale of Adventure
by Lieutenant R. H. Jayne
Or, For the Honor of Uncle Sam
by Frank V. Webster
The Graces (1774), The Fine Gentleman's Etiquette (1776)
An Account of the Bi-Centennial Celebration of the Founding of the Town Held June 15, 16, 17, and…
By the Scotts at Greenock
Prince Gortchakoff and Prince Bismark
by Julian Klaczko
A Miserable Christmas and a Happy New Year
by Hesba Stretton
or, Outwitting the Huns
by W. P. Shervill
by Edward Bellamy
A History of the First Twenty Years' Work of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union of…
by Georgeanna M. Gardenier, Frances W. Graham