by Oscar Maria Graf
by Oskar Maria Graf
aus dem III. Bande der Abhandlungen der Königlich Sächsischen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften
by Wilhelm Roscher
In den Jahren 1826-29
by Leo Koenigsberger
Über Vergessen, Versprechen, Vergreifen, Aberglaube und Irrtum
by Sigmund Freud
and Other Parisians
by Guy Wetmore Carryl
by Oskar Baum
Schilderung einer Seereise von Havre nach New-York und Charakteristik des New-Yorker politischen…
by Christoph Vetter
J. Spaeth, Professor der Geburtshilfe an der k. k. Josefs-Akademie in Wien, und an Hofrath Dr. F. W…
by Ignác Fülöp Semmelweis
by Rainer Maria Rilke
by Charles Dickens
Ein Beitrag zur Physiologie des Denkens
by August Büttner
by Heinrich Mann
Powiastka z Dziejów Litewskich
by Adam Mickiewicz
E. J. Wenstrom - Complicated Heroes and Horrifying Monsters in Riveting Fantasy Adventures
FEATURED AUTHOR - E. J. Wenstrom believes in complicated heroes, horrifying monsters, purple hair dye and standing to the right on escalators so the left side can walk. She writes dark speculative fiction for adults and teens, including the young adult dystopian novel Departures and the award-winning Chronicles of the Third Realm War series (start with Mud). When she isn’t writing fiction, she co-hosts the Troped Out and Fantasy+Girl podcasts. As our Author of the Day, she tells us all about "Mud: A Dark Fantasy… Read more