The Writings of Samuel Adams, vol 3
The Writings of Samuel Adams, vol 3
(ed Harry Alonzo Cushing)
Book Excerpt
27th . . . Trade Policy.
To Charles Thomson, June 30th . . . Disposal of Donations.
To Committee of Correspondence of Norwich, July 11th . . . Acknowledgment of Support.
To Richard Henry Lee, July 13th . . . Port Act--Policy of Lord North--Attitude of Public.
To Noble Wymberly Jones, July 16th . . . Acknowledgment of Co-operation.
To Christopher Gadsen, July 18th . . .
To Christopher Gadsen and L. Clarkson, July 18th . . . Acknowledgment of Assistance--Efforts of Colonists.
To Committee of Correspondence of Colrain, July 18th . . . Non-Consumption Agreement.
To Andrew Elton Wells, July 25th . . . Condition of Boston.
To Peter Timothy, July 27th . . . Boston Circular Letter--Shipment of Axes.
To Fisher Gay, July 29th . . . Acknowledgment of Assistance.
To Ezekiel Williams, July 29th . . . Acknowledgment of Assistance.
To Committee of Correspondence of Marblehead, August 2nd . . . Attitude of Colonists to Boston.
To Jose
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