Across Mongolian Plains
Across Mongolian Plains
A Naturalist's Account of China's 'Great Northwest'
The present book is the narrative of our work and travels. As in "Camps and Trails" I have written it entirely from the sportsman's standpoint and have purposely avoided scientific details which would prove uninteresting or wearisome to the general public. Full reports of the expedition's results will appear in due course in the Museum's scientific publications and to them I would refer those readers who wish further details of the Mongolian fauna.
Book Excerpt
Empress Dowager and Ch'ien Lung--The "hinterland"--An area of desolation--Our camp in the forest--Reeves's pheasant--The most beautiful Chinese deer--"Blood horns" as medicine--Goral--Animals and birds of the Tung Ling--A new method of catching trout--A forest fire--Native stupidity--Wanton destruction--China's great opportunity
A Nomad of the Mongolian Plains (Frontispiece)
Roy Chapman Andrews on "Kublai Khan"
Yvette Borup Andrews, Photographer of the Expedition
At the End of the Long Trail from Outer Mongolia
Women of Southern Mongolia
The Middle Ages and the Twentieth Century
A Mongolian Antelope Killed from Our Motor Car
Watering Camels at a Well in the Gobi Desert
The Water Carrier for a Caravan
A Thirty-five Pound Bustard
Young Mongolia
Mongol Horsemen on the Streets of Urga
The Prison at Urga
A Criminal in a Coffin with Hands Manacled
The Great Temple at U
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