Young Hunters of the Lake

Young Hunters of the Lake


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Young Hunters of the Lake by Edward Stratemeyer



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Young Hunters of the Lake


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Book Excerpt

ven up picking them."

In moving around the boys had found a couple of old berry baskets, and these they now proceeded to fill. The task was about half completed when Snap suddenly straightened up.

"What was that?" he asked.

"What?" demanded his chum.

"I thought I heard a cry from across the river."

Both listened, but nothing came to their ears.

"You must have been mistaken," said the doctor's son, and resumed his work of picking strawberries.

"No use of picking more," said Snap, a few minutes later. "We'll be lucky to get over with these. Perhaps we'll drop half of them, trying to swim."

"Hi, look there!" shouted his companion, and pointed across the field in the direction of the river.

A flock of sheep had suddenly appeared, some fifteen or twenty in number. At the head was a large ram, who gazed in wonder at the two boys in their bathing outfits.

"Say, that ram means business!" ejaculated Snap, an instant later. "We had better clear out of here."

"Come on, I'm willing,"


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