Supreme Personality
Supreme Personality
FUN IN LIVING: A Doubt, Fear, and Worry Cure
If you are not grander and handsomer ateighty than at eighteen, your spiritual, mentaland physical cash register has been out ofworking order more than fifty years.
Book Excerpt
wer into your Being. Will power into your work. Will power into your ambitions. Will power into your expressions. Will power into your words. And you shall be "a fellow workman with God, a master builder that needeth not to be ashamed." Your Will gives infinite clearness, infinite strength, infinite ideals, infinite aspirations, for infinite realities. Your Will tells you that if there is anything to-day that seems to you too good to be true, believe it, endeavor toward it, reach forth to receive it, and tomorrow it will be true. Will is the engine in the depths of the ship that drives it thru the buffeting waves and storm to the distant harbor. Will puts your back-bone where your wish-bone is now. Will puts iron into your blood, tightens up your vertebrate and makes you "a self-starter." You may have lost your battle, your Will stands ready for another better campaign. You miss an opportunity, your Will stands ready to open the door to a hundred new ones. Delay is the mother of most failures. One thing worse
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A truly excellent book similar in style to Think and Grow Rich and books by Norman Vincent Peale on Positive Thinking. It is clear, precise and practical. You will be inspired to be a more confident, successful person.
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