Middy and Ensign

Middy and Ensign
or, The Jungle Station; A Tale of the Malay Peninsula


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Middy and Ensign by George Manville Fenn





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Middy and Ensign
or, The Jungle Station; A Tale of the Malay Peninsula


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The honest, wholesome story of the adventures and rivalry of a couple of youthful representatives of the Army and Navy--the corvette, on board which the middy is serving, conveying at detachment of infantry, with its ensign, up one of the Malay rivers. Here encounters with the unfriendly, and unions with the friendly Malays follow, calls being made upon the lads to show the thorough English stuff of which they are made, during many a time of trial. The story has a strong substratum of fact, and the materials are from the fountain head.

Book Excerpt

glorious country for botanical specimens."

"Just the thing for you, doctor," said Mr Linton, the resident.

"But it won't be just the thing for you, gentlemen," said the little man, "for as sure as my name's Bolter, if you don't strictly follow out my orders some of you will be losing the number of your mess."

"Come, that sounds well," said a quiet-looking man in white jacket and trousers; "we are going to Parang to help to put down slavery, and we are to be put into a state of slavery by the doctor here."

"He'll deal gently with you sometimes," said the grey-haired major in command of the troops. "Never turn a deaf ear to his discourses on plants, then you will be indulged."

"What a nice revenge I could have on you, major!" said the doctor, laughing, and rubbing his hands. "Ha, ha, ha! and I could double your dose."

"Yes," laughed the major; "and after all it is the doctor who really commands these expeditions."

"Ah, well," said the little gentleman, "I'll do t


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