Comic Bible Sketches
Comic Bible Sketches
Reprinted from ''The Freethinker''
Book Excerpt
But what shocked our latter-day prophet so greatly in mere anticipation has partially come to pass. "La Bible Amusante" has had an extensive sale in France, and the infectious irreverence has extended itself to England. Notwithstanding that Mr. G. R. Sims, when he saw the first numbers of that abominable publication, piously turned up the whites of his eyes, and declared his opinion that no English Freethinker, however extreme, would think of reproducing or imitating them, there were found persons so utterly abandoned as not to scruple at this unparalleled profanity. Several of the French drawings were copied with more or less fidelity in the Freethinker, a scandalous print, as the Christians love to describe it, which has been prosecuted twice for Blasphemy, and whose editor, proprietor and publisher, have been punished respectively with twelve, nine and three months' imprisonment like common felons, all for the glory and honor of God, for the satisfaction of his dear Son, and for the vindication of the Holy Spirit. In many cases the French originals could not be reproduced in Engla
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terrible just a bad book.why say sketches in the title if there are no sketches in the book
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I thought this would be a good read, certain to raise some talking points.Imagine my disappointment when I reached the end of the "book" without find a single sketch. This "book" consists entirely of the the preface to the original, and no images are included. Don't bother.
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