The Silkworms of Florence
The Silkworms of Florence
From The Further Adventures of Romney Pringle, a collection of short stories about an engaging crook and literary agent who cycles everywhere, no matter what the scam...
Book Excerpt
ismatic compass being graduated in degrees (unlike the mariner's, which has but thirty-two points), it was necessary to reduce the bearings to degrees, and this had been the result:--
Rye Church spire SE x S = 146° 15'. Winchelsea Mill SW 1/2 W = 23o° 37'.
When he reached the field not a soul was anywhere to be seen; a few sheep browsed here and there, and high overhead a lark was singing. At once he took a bearing from the church spire. He was a little time in getting the right pointing; he had to move step by step to the right, continuing to take observations, until at last the church weather-cock bore truly 146¼° through the sight-vane of the compass. Turning half round, he took an observation of the distant mill. He was a long way out this time; so carefully preserving his relative position to the church, he backed away, taking alternate observations of either object until both spire and mill bore in the right directions. The point where the two bearings intersected was
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