Discipline and Other Sermons
Discipline and Other Sermons
Book Excerpt
purity and his power of sight.
To some she taught moral wisdom--righteousness, and justice, and equity, yea, every good path.
To others she showed that political science, which--as Solomon tells you--is but another side of her beauty, and cannot be parted, however men may try, from moral wisdom--that Wisdom in whose right hand is length of days, and in her left hand riches and honour; whose ways are ways of pleasantness, and all her paths are peace.
To others again she showed that physical science which--so Solomon tells us again--cannot be parted safely from the two others. For by the same wisdom, he says, which gives alike righteousness and equity, riches and long life--by that same wisdom, and no other, did the Lord found the heavens and establish the earth; by that same knowledge of his are the depths broken up, and the clouds drop down the dew.
And to some she showed herself, as she did to good Boethius in his dungeon, in the deepest vale of misery, and the hour of death; when all seemed to
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