The Railroad Builders
The Railroad Builders
Book Excerpt
e. This, be it observed, was only two years
after Watt had patented his first steam engine, and it was nearly
fifty years before Stephenson built his first locomotive. The
railroad originally was as completely dissociated from steam
propulsion as was the ship. Just as vessels had existed for ages
before the introduction of mechanical power, so the railroad bad
been a familiar sight in the mining districts of England for at
least two centuries before the invention of Watt really gave it
wings and turned it to wider uses. In this respect the progress
of the railroad resembles that of the automobile, which had
existed in crude form long before the invention of the gasoline
engine made it practically useful.
In the United States three new methods of transportation made their appearance at almost the same time--the steamboat, the canal boat, and the rail car. Of all three, the last was the slowest in attaining popularity. As early as 1812 John Stevens, of Hoboken, aroused much interest and more amused hostility
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