The Historical Nights Entertainment

The Historical Nights Entertainment
Second Series


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The Historical Nights Entertainment by Rafael Sabatini





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The Historical Nights Entertainment
Second Series


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THE ABSOLUTION - Affonso Henriques, First King of Portugal THE FALSE DEMETRIUS - Boris Godunov and the Pretended Son of Ivan the Terrible THE HERMOSA FEMBRA - An Episode of the Inquisition in Seville THE PASTRY-COOK OF MADRIGAL - The Story of the False Sebastian of Portugal THE END OF THE VERT GALANT - The Assassination of Henry IV THE BARREN WOOING - The Murder of Amy Robsart SIR JUDAS The Betrayal - of Sir Walter Ralegh HIS INSOLENCE OF BUCKINGHAM - George Villiers' Courtship of Anne of Austria THE PATH OF EXILE - The Fall of Lord Clarendon THE TRAGEDY OF HERRENHAUSEN - Count Philip Königsmark and the Princess Sophia Dorothea THE TYRANNICIDE - Charlotte Corday and Jean Paul Marat

Book Excerpt

on, for in the twelfth century the art of letters was a mystery to which there were few initiates.

Affonso Henriques tore the sheepskin from its nails, and crumpled it in his hand; then he passed into the Cathedral, and thence came out presently into the cloisters. Overhead a bell was clanging by his orders, summoning the chapter.

To the Infante, waiting there in the sun-drenched close, came presently the canons, austere, aloof, majestic in their unhurried progress through the fretted cloisters, with flowing garments and hands tucked into their wide sleeves before them. In a semi- circle they arrayed themselves before him, and waited impassively to learn his will. Overhead the bell had ceased.

Affonso Henriques wasted no words.

"I have summoned you," he announced, "to command that you proceed to the election of a bishop."

A rustle stirred through the priestly throng. The canons looked askance at the prince and at one another. Then one of them spoke.

"Habemus episcopum


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