The Banker and the Bear

The Banker and the Bear
The Story of a ''Corner'' in Lard


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The Banker and the Bear by Henry Kitchell Webster







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The Banker and the Bear
The Story of a ''Corner'' in Lard


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Although Chicago is not mentioned in the book as the scene of action, the Chamber of Commerce of that city is the point round which the action centers. The Bear and the Banker are chums. The Bull is financed by the Banker in the endeavor to run the "corner" in lard, and the story derives its title from the necessity found by the Bear for the ruin of his chum the Banker, in order to upset the financial schemes of the Bull. A stirring love story threads its way through the financial excitement of the book.

Book Excerpt

cigars, and there was nothing to prohibit a boy and a girl from sitting close together on the wide sofa and looking over portfolios of steel engravings from famous paintings--and talking of nothing in particular, or at least not of the steel engravings.

At last one Sunday afternoon in early spring, after months of suspense that seemed years to John, Alice consented to marry him, and John was so happy that he did not blush or stammer, as they had been sure he would, when he told the Sponleys about it. There never was such an illumination as the street lamps made that evening when John walked back to his father's house; and something in his big dismal room, the single faint-heartedgas-jet, perhaps, threw a rosy glow even over that.

When he had left Bagsbury and Company to go to work for Dawson, there had occurred no change in John's personal relation with his father. That relation had never amounted to much, but they continued to live on not unfriendly terms. Quite unconscious that he was misusing


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