I find this book quite honest and real. C. Alan Loewen, the reviewer below, is a strong defender of Christianity in all of his reviews of the atheists' works found on this site and seems to think that the murders of 6 million jews was done in the name of secular humanism instead of the name of Jesus Christ. In fact, one of Hitler's first orders of business upon rising to power was to ban all freethought organizations in Germany and revoke their publishing rights. Regardless of what ideologies were held by those responsible for the holocaust (Christianity), arguing for or against a belief system based on the actions of its adherents proves nothing of its truth. While the author throws up this imbecilic straw man, Ingersoll also notes the evil actions of Christians and Jews in his book. However, the actions he is referring to aren't just done by those who hold a certain belief, but guided by the hand of the God in whom they believed praised along with all followers since them until the present. Though the reviewer claims that Christian apologists over the past two millennia have faced and defeated the arguments presented by the freethought movement, he is wrong. They have invented imaginary concepts which received the papal stamp of approval. Ingersoll's main points have been left untouched, or fumbled about by all Christian apologists since; namely, that the morality of the Old and New Testaments is misguiding and horrific, and that evidence for the credibility of the stories therein is completely lacking. The previous reviewer also calls this book cloaked antisemitism, though upon reading this book, I did not find a single criticism against Jews that are not equally offered of other religious/ethnic groups. If you want to be entertained by ridiculous literature, click C. Alan Loewen's name and read his reviews of atheistic works, including those of Ingersoll. They all contain the same bombastic, supercilious aspersions of the freethought movement as a whole. This book, About the Bible, on the other hand is a wonderful, affirming book for any non-believer and a great eye-opener for any Jew or Christian who has either only heard the bible read at synagogue or church or has turned a deaf ear to the majority of the passages therein.
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