You know the power of stories, and particularly sometimes of short stories, to reimagine the world, to turn things upside down, to make the strange familiar and the familiar strange... Well so does Kelly Link. This, her first collection of short stories, is an abolute wonderland of bizarre, idiosyncratic tales, and I was so blown away when I first read it I wanted to make sure this tiny independent press could afford to keep putting out writing like this, and I offered to help finance their next book if they needed it. The book was a bargain for the $16 or $18 I paid for it, and may be overlooked amidst free public domain classics, thinking that nothing good ever gets given away for free before it has to, but Kelly and her husband and editor Gavin Grant are not your typical people, and this is not your typical collection of short stories. Get it, and if you don't like the first story you read (the first one in the book is not as easy as some of the others to love, though still excellent), pick another one, because they're all as completely different as they are completely original.
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