Marie Corelli is alive!This book, to me, is the second best of all her books after 'The Romance of two worlds.' It is a book written to a high literary standard and one that gives its readers a huge cerebral masturbation. I was enriched by it and endeared to her plot so much that when you start it, you can hardly let go. Corelli's style of writing is inimitable and I doff my 'heart' to her! I have just poured a libation in memory of this great woman, this marvellous pen-pusher. I shall surely be in Stratford-Upon-Avon some day to pay my obeisance. Bless her soul, O God!
I read this book at a sitting. It's really the most unusual book that I have read. Here Corelli (Bless her soul!) espouses on the mystical concepts of electricity, abstract travels and occultism. I felt enriched having read it and actually wanted more. This is a book I would recommend to all and sundry. It is romantically simple but seductively gripping with magnetism. I have all of Corelli's books for she remains my favorite heroine and she has influenced my work enormously, I, too, being a budding author. All in all, this book is simply unputdownable!
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