With Kitchener in the Soudan

With Kitchener in the Soudan
A Story of Atbara and Omdurman


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With Kitchener in the Soudan by G. A. Henty





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With Kitchener in the Soudan
A Story of Atbara and Omdurman


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The young hero goes in disguise into one of the dervish camps, is captured by Arabs and has other adventures at the time of Kitchener's Sudan campaign.

Book Excerpt

ledge of the language, which will render you, at once, more useful than a green hand would be, I shall add ten shillings a week to the wages named in the advertisement, which will enable you to obtain comfortable lodgings."

"I am heartily obliged to you, sir," Gregory said, "and will do my best to show that your confidence in me has not been misplaced. When do you wish me to sail? I shall only require a few hours to make my preparations."

"Then in that case I will take a passage, for you and your wife, in the P. and O. that sails, next Thursday, from Southampton. I may say that it is our custom to allow fifteen pounds, for outfit. If you will call again in half an hour, I will hand you the ticket and a cheque for that amount; and you can call, the day before you go, for a letter to our agents there."

Gregory ascended the stairs to his lodging with a far more elastic step than usual. His wife saw at once, as he entered, that he had good news of some sort.

"What is it, Gregory?"


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