
“Music is the divine way to tell beautiful, poetic things to the heart.” - Pablo Casals

Music can lift our spirits when we are feeling down, rouse us if we feel unmotivated or make for a soothing listening experience while reading our favorite books. The books in this section are all about music and the talented musicians who have created masterpieces that continue to entertain us to this day.

Editor's choice

Rosalie Rayburn - Suspenseful Thrillers and Investigative Drama
FEATURED AUTHOR - Rosalie Rayburn is a former journalist and author of The Power of Rain, the first in the Digger Doyle mystery series, which won a National Federation of Press Women Award. She has written for newspapers in Ireland, Norway, and the United States, focusing on local politics, solar and wind energy. Since retiring, she has walked the Camino de Santiago in Spain and now divides her time between Portugal and New Mexico.  As our Author of the Day, she tells us more about her book, The Sunshine… Read more