Rosalie Rayburn - Suspenseful Thrillers and Investigative Drama

Rosalie Rayburn - Suspenseful Thrillers and Investigative Drama
sunshine cover

Rosalie Rayburn is a former journalist and author of The Power of Rain, the first in the Digger Doyle mystery series, which won a National Federation of Press Women Award. She has written for newspapers in Ireland, Norway, and the United States, focusing on local politics, solar and wind energy. Since retiring, she has walked the Camino de Santiago in Spain and now divides her time between Portugal and New Mexico.  As our Author of the Day, she tells us more about her book, The Sunshine Solution.

Please give us a short introduction to what The Sunshine Solution is about.

In The Sunshine Solution former reporter Elizabeth “Digger” Doyle has found a dream job working for a state government department in Santa Fe, NM. She marries artist/activist Maria Ortiz, who is running for election to the state legislature. All is good until Digger's world takes an unexpected turn when her new boss requests her to spy on a political rival's multimillion-dollar solar energy project announcement. Digger suspects the project is a scam. As she investigates Digger soon finds herself in conflict with powerful forces seeking revenge for an old political rivalry.

What inspired you to write this book? Was there anything in particular that made you want to tackle this?

While I was a staff writer for the Albuquerque Journal in New Mexico I wrote business stories about electrical energy and renewable energy policy. I broke two stories about companies that announced plans to build solar facilities that later turned out to be bogus. That gave me the inspiration for The Sunshine Solution.

The Sunshine Solution is a sequel to The Power of Rain. What motivated you to continue Digger Doyle's story, and how does this new installment build upon the themes and characters introduced in the first book?

While writing The Power of Rain I was part of a very supportive writing group. In that book, Digger falls for Maria but holds back her feelings because of an ethical conflict with her work. When I finished the manuscript, my writing group all said they wanted to know whether Digger and Maria were finally able to get together.

Tell us more about Elizabeth "Digger" Doyle. What makes her tick?

Elizabeth “Digger” Doyle is a dedicated reporter who doesn’t quit. She hates to see people get away with sh—. Her drive stems from what happened to her. When she was 12 years old her parents were killed in a car crash. She later learned that the young driver who caused the crash was the son of a prominent sheriff and used his family connections to avoid justice.

The book explores themes such as progress versus local culture, and development versus exploitation. Why did you find these important to write about?

While reporting on local government in the Albuquerque area, I observed first-hand the clash of cultures between old Hispanic families and entitled newcomers from other states. The latter lacked appreciation for New Mexico’s unique blend of cultures and history. They just wanted low house prices and majestic views.

Did you conduct any specific research, particularly on solar energy projects or New Mexico's political landscape, to ground the story in reality?

Yes.During my years at the Alb. Journal, I reported extensively on developments in solar energy technology. I visited research facilities at Sandia National Laboratory in Albuquerque. I reported extensively on development of renewable portfolio standards for power generation within New Mexico.

What were some of the most challenging aspects of writing this sequel, and how did you overcome them?

I found it challenging to ensure that the hints I gave as I developed the narrative remained accurate and consistent, without giving away too much too early in the story.

Your book is described as a suspenseful thriller. What techniques do you use to maintain suspense and keep readers engaged?

I tried to switch points of view from one character to another and from chapter to chapter. That way I could leave readers in suspense.

Your writing has been praised for its vivid imagery and attention to detail. How did you develop your writing style, and what techniques do you use to maintain it?

I am an avid hiker and I love the high desert scenery of New Mexico. I love describing details of the scenery at different times of the year. I also love the unique architecture of the old adobe homes and other buildings in Santa Fe. It is a place that really resonates with me.


The story includes numerous twists and turns. Did you plan it all out before you started writing, or did some of it just 'happen' along the way?

I wrote a draft for the story but soon decided that I needed to make it more of a mystery. That is when I developed the family revenge twist. I figured out a lot of the twists as I worked. I get some of my best ideas while walking my dog.

Besides writing, what other secret skills do you have?

Secret skills? I have lived in several countries around the world and I speak several languages: French, Spanish, Norwegian and I am learning Portuguese.

What are you working on right now?

I am currently working on a third “Digger Doyle Mystery”. This one has the working title “Windswept”, and renewable energy figures into the story.

Where can our readers discover more of your work or interact with you?

I spend most of my time in Portugal now and I write a blog about relocation to Portugal and daily life in Portugal. The blog is: I also have an author website with information about my books and how to buy them. I can be contacted through either site.

The Sunshine Solution
Rosalie Rayburn

Reporter Elizabeth ''Digger'' Doyle unravels the mysteries surrounding a multimillion-dollar solar energy project in New Mexico. Her investigation takes her to the historic streets of Santa Fe, the ancient landscapes of Chaco Canyon, and a Native American pueblo. Digger finds herself in a dangerous game of cat and mouse, where her life becomes entangled in the web of political vendettas.
