
“No literature is richer than that of the sea. No story more enthralling, no tradition is more secure.” - Felix Riesenberg

The call of the ocean has been irresistible to mankind ever since we figured out how to build the means to explore its mysteries. The books in this section will enable you to experience all the trials, tribulations and adventures that the ocean has to offer, but without the risk of ever getting wet.

Editor's choice

Randall Sharpe - Spirituality, Parapsychology, the Paranormal and Pseudoscience
FEATURED AUTHOR - Randall Sharpe began to write in the Astral Alignment universe at the age of eighteen, drawing inspiration from ufology and New Age spirituality to inform his science fiction, horror and fantasy. He is an avid tabletop and online roleplayer, holds a black belt in Uechi-ryu karate, and has begun to publish regularly after obtaining his degree. Randall can occasionally be found posting on various imageboards, sinking hours into Terraria or Starbound, and taking online certification courses to… Read more