Runomittainen näytelmä
by Friedrich von Schiller
by Friedrich von Schiller
of 2
by Alfred Döblin
of 2
by Alfred Döblin
by Friedrich von Schiller
by Friedrich von Schiller
by Henry Hasse
by Katharine Ada Esdaile
Yesterday and Today
by Henry Eduard Legler
An Address
by Robert Green Ingersoll
by Elizabeth Leavitt Keller
by Sara Ware Bassett
Containing twelve coloured and twelve outline full-page plates
by Walter Crane
Or, Memories of the Past
by Harriet S. Caswell
A Story of Holland
by Multatuli
by Robert Louis Stevenson
by Horatio Alger Jr.
by Jr. Alger Horatio
Ein altdeutscher Dichter
by Ludwig Uhland
Diane Merrill Wigginton - Romantic, Suspenseful Page-Turner
FEATURED AUTHOR - Diane Merrill Wigginton was born in Riverside, California in 1963. Her family moved to San Diego near the end of 1970, where she grew up in the newly developed community of Mira Mesa. Spending portions of her summers each year in Burly, Idaho, with her mother's parents, Florence and Orval Merrill, Diane developed a love of animals and a respect for the land. It was during this time on the farm, where she learned to ride horses, herd cattle, and tame wild kittens that Diane developed a love of… Read more