Some Account of their History and Uses
by Andrew Macgeorge
by Sara Teasdale
by Horace Bowne Fyfe
by Robert Smythe Hichens
by Hugo Ball
oder vom Dandysmus der Armen
by Hugo Ball
by Mrs George de Horne Vaizey
by Mary E. Waller
Camera News Hawk
by Frank Bell
A Romance of Many Dimensions
by Edwin A. Abbott
by Edwin A. Abbott
by Edwin A. Abbott
Flaxie Frizzle Stories
by Sophie May
Sieben Geschichten
by Gustav Meyrink
by Violet Jacob
Elise Kova - Exploring Deep Emotions and Magical Fantasy Worlds
FEATURED AUTHOR - ELISE KOVA is a USA Today bestselling author. She enjoys telling stories of fantasy worlds filled with magic and deep emotions. She lives in Florida and, when not writing, can be found playing video games, drawing, chatting with readers on social media, or daydreaming about her next story.  As our Author of the Day, she tells us about her book, "A Dance with the Fae Prince."