Soldier of Fortune
by Randall Parrish
by Thomas Nelson Page
by Plato
from A Wonder Book for Girls and Boys
by Nathaniel Hawthorne
by R. L. Garner
by J. D. Beresford
Selections from the Sermons and Writings of Joseph F. Smith
by Joseph Fielding Smith
Showing the Absurdities of Infidelity, and the Harmony of the Gospel with Science and History
by J. H. Ward
by George A. Birmingham
by Mona Gould
by Edmund Gosse
by Selma Lagerlöf
Erzählungen aus dem alten Wermland
by Selma Lagerlöf
by Selma Lagerlöf
Sukutarinoita vuosisadan vaihteesta
by August Strindberg
och andra historier
by Sigge Strömberg
by Édouard Corroyer
Chad Lester - A Thrilling Fusion of Biology, Artificial Intelligence and Morality
FEATURED AUTHOR - Chad Lester is the author of the novel 'Titan's Tears' and the short story collection 'Continuum.' Chad Lester is the author of the novel 'Titan's Tears' and the short story collection 'Continuum.' Chad Lester is the author of the novel 'Titan's Tears' and the short story collection 'Continuum.' As our Author of the Day, he tells us all about his book, Titan's Tears.