A Novel
by Theodore Dreiser
A Novel
by Sigrid Undset
by Sigrid Undset
by Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche
En Minnes-Sång i Israël
by Johan Jacob Nervander
Viisinäytöksinen huvinäytelmä
by Ludvig Holberg
Or, The Transformed Peasant: A Comedy in Five Acts
by Ludvig Holberg
aŭ la Transformita Kamparano
by Ludvig Holberg
The Baird Lecture for 1922
by George Adam Smith
A Drama in Nine Scenes
by Stefan Zweig
Eine dramatische Dichtung in neun Bildern
by Stefan Zweig
by Hugh Walpole
Chad Lester - A Thrilling Fusion of Biology, Artificial Intelligence and Morality
FEATURED AUTHOR - Chad Lester is the author of the novel 'Titan's Tears' and the short story collection 'Continuum.' Chad Lester is the author of the novel 'Titan's Tears' and the short story collection 'Continuum.' Chad Lester is the author of the novel 'Titan's Tears' and the short story collection 'Continuum.' As our Author of the Day, he tells us all about his book, Titan's Tears.