Scientific American Supplement, No. 286 (June 25, 1881)

Scientific American Supplement, No. 286 (June 25, 1881)


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Scientific American Supplement, No. 286 (June 25, 1881) by Various Authors





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Scientific American Supplement, No. 286 (June 25, 1881)


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Book Excerpt

hen the progress of the human race has become a mighty torrent, rushing onward with ever accelerating speed, we glory in the yet higher praise, "Well done, well done!" Under these circumstances, the question how a young man is best fitted for our profession has become one of increasing importance, and three methods have been proposed for its solution. Formerly the only point in debate was whether the candidate should go first to the schools and then to the workshop, or first to the shop and then to the schools. It was difficult to arrive at any decision; for of the many who had risen to eminence as engineers, some had adopted one order and some the other. There remained a third course, that of combining the school and the shop and of pursuing simultaneously the study of theory and the exercise of practical manipulation. Unforeseen difficulties arose, however, in the attempt to carry out this, the most promising method. The maintenance of the shop proved a heavy expense, which it was found could not be lessene


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Emily Renk Hawthorne - Multigenerational Mystery, Adventure and Political Intrigue
FEATURED AUTHOR - Emily Renk Hawthorne was born and raised in Southern California. Her mother and father are from Taiwan and Illinois, respectively. Emily’s always had a special love for fantasy and sci-fi books.In elementary school, Emily wrote a story about a lonely fish that joined a school of fish for companionship and safety in numbers. The story was selected by a traveling performance group and performed at an assembly in front of her school. From then on, Emily was hooked! (Pun intended!)