Where the Bones Lie

Where the Bones Lie
Where the Bones Lie
Steve Haberman

A famous American woman journalist goes missing in 1946 post-war violent Berlin. Her equally famous lover, a former Winston Churchill spy, sets out in the smashed dangerous capital of Germany to find her.


About the Author

A University of Texas graduate, Steve Haberman pursued legal studies at UCLA before embarking on a career as a legal assistant. Profitable stock market investments made travel abroad possible, and he has since visited Europe extensively and frequently, including London, Paris, Prague, Berlin, as well as Milan and Budapest. Many of these feature as settings in his e-book thrillers. "Murder Without Pity," a murder mystery with tragic echoes from the past, occurs in Paris. "The Killing Ploy" (with heavy overtones of "fake news" before that was topical) is set partially in several Continental capitals. Two other works, "Darkness and Blood," the sequel to "The Killing Ploy," and "Winston Churchill's Renegade Spy" also use foreign locales. He is presently planning another trip abroad. It will be for research on a sixth thriller, this one set in the post World War II apocalyptic ruin of Europe.

Steve Haberman